World changers

So anyone who watches the news or reads the paperjust knows that every once in awhile there is a hype about the generational differences. Its this idea that groups of people born at certain times have a certain way of viewing life. I believe this is quite true. I myself belong to the generation now termed Millennials (although just barely). My parents are part of Generation X and my grandparents are part of the Baby Boomers. Each generation has certain things that have created a worldview in them that makes them different from the generations around them. Since 1900 there have been four generations that are recognized by most people. (In case you are curious the oldest is called Traditionalists).

The fifth generation and the newest includes those born around 2000 and on. They are the yet to be named generation and the oldest of them are just now freshmen or sophomores in high school. I have had the privilege of spending a lot of time with this generation over the years. Most recently I spent a week with several hundred middle schoolers at CIY MIX. It was fantastic and I had a blast but while I was there I realized something that has me more excited than ever to watch them grow. This youngest generation I truly believe can be named World Changers. (Although social science will probably name them something boring like Post Millennials)

I have had the opportunity to watch this generation grow and have seen what my generation has done around them. They’ve seen it too and many have no real desire to be like my generation. Talk to them and I think you’ll find that they see the world different. We need to work on encouraging that too. Let them see the world their way and don’t try to shape them into a previous generation. They don’t need to make the same mistakes the last generations have and are making. Matthew West has a song called world changers and a line in there says “Don’t you ever lose that fire in your soul.” Encourage the spirit of change in this generation that is already in them. There have always been world changers in every generation but there is a chance we could see an entire generation of World Changers.

Just imagine if they believed they could change the world. Just imagine if they were changing the world for the KINGDOM OF GOD. Great things could happen. Great things are going to happen!!

So wanna help change the world? Invest in this generation and encourage them to be the world changers they can be and then watch what God will do through them because he already worked through you. Check this post to see what creating world changers looks like.

Check out Matthew West’s song World Changers